buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Interactive CV - Professional Portfolio style.css header class hero div class profile-container img My Profile Picture class profile-pic alt Professional headshot h1 John Doe p Senior Web Developer nav class nav-tabs button About class nav-btn active data-section about button Experience class nav-btn data-section experience button Skills class nav-btn data-section skills button Projects class nav-btn data-section projects main section id about class section active h2 About Me p Passionate web developer with 5+ years of experience crafting beautiful and functional websites. Focused on creating user-centric experiences that drive results. section id experience class section h2 Work Experience div class timeline div class timeline-item h3 Senior Web Developer p Tech Solutions Inc. span 2020 - Present ul li Led development of enterprise-level web applications li Managed team of 5 developers div class timeline-item h3 Web Developer p Digital Crafters LLC span 2018 - 2020 ul li Developed responsive websites for clients li Improved site performance by 40% section id skills class section h2 Skills div class skills-grid div class skill-card h3 Frontend ul li HTML5/CSS3 li JavaScript li Responsive Design div class skill-card h3 Backend ul li Node.js li Python li SQL div class skill-card h3 Tools ul li Git li VS Code li Docker section id projects class section h2 Projects div class projects-grid div class project-card h3 E-commerce Platform p Built full-stack e-commerce solution div class project-card h3 Portfolio Generator p Automated portfolio creation tool footer div class contact-info a Email Me href a LinkedIn href # a GitHub href # script.js